about me

Hello, my name is Harry S. Dent

Something To Know About Me

Harry S. Dent Crypto Trading or HDCT is built for everyone from beginners to pro. Whether you’re pursuing an education to gain a basic understanding of the crypto ecosystem, want to learn to trade to privately secure your future, or are looking to move professionally into the crypto ecosystem, HDCT have the resources you need to succeed.

I worked on Wall Street for 8 years at Jefferies Group before discovering Bitcoin. Ever since, I have been educating others about the significance of this groundbreaking financial technology. I am an expert crypto trading signal provider and the proud founder of Harry S. Dent Crypto Trading.

I'm here to help you when you need your Cryptocurrency Trading support

For those who aspire to gain a deeper understanding of Bitcoin, trading, and blockchain, Harry S. Dent Crypto Trading (HDCT) offers an exceptional user experience, a new website, all new course content and quizzes to track progress. My goal is to ensure that everyone has access to exceptional free basic education in blockchain and crypto, along with free resources for beginners.

What Does It Take To Make It In Trading?


Whether trading is your passion or you want to earn extra income, you must make the decision in your mind that you will become a successful trader.

A Back-Tested Strategy

All elite traders have a proven successful trading strategy that encompasses technical analysis, risk management, psychology, scanning, and more.

Access To Experienced Traders

Trading is a lonely game. Having a community of experienced traders that know your strengths and struggles can exponentially shorten your learning curve.

Struggling with a small account? Been hit by a bear market? My signals are designed to help you become a more sophisticated trader in areas you are weakest in.

Struggling with a small account? Been hit by a bear market? HDCT signals are designed to help you become a more sophisticated trader in areas you are weakest in.

Every signals purchase gets access to my direct charting layout and scans to download and use on your platform.
The beauty of on-demand learning allows you to learn at your own pace. Plus, with my life-time access you can go back and read lessons you need work on whenever you need!
When I get new signal in the future, you will be the first to be notified, along with getting a VIP discount for already being a loyal signal customer.

Harry S. Dent Crypto Trading provides everything you need to succeed in Crypto. Lessons, Tools & Community!


201 E 12th St, Tucson, AZ 85701


+1 (646) 220-8021 haryys.dent1@gmail.com